Star Wars Takeover Walkthrough part 3 : Yavin 4

Hey everyone, its Sallyicy

And today the final mission of the "Star Wars Takeover" to destroy the Death Star was released, some people would say that the final mission was very easy where as other people would say this weeks mission is very hard! So i will be giving you some useful tips on how to complete the minigame.

So here we go 1. : Click on the map is the top right hand corner 

2: click on the Yavin 4 icon and press GO

3: Once you reach Yavin Princess cadence will talk to you 

4: Click on the X-Wing and waddle over to it

5: Click on level 1 and start playing the game ( you will unlock a item for each level you complete )

6: Play the Game to collect items and as this game is quite difficult i will be giving you two tipps on how to complete this game

1. the first technique i used was shooting everywhere and moving back and forth 

2. the second and final technique i used was staying at the far left or right and holding down the space bar, it takes a while and you dont get many points but its a easy way to complete the game

7: Once you have completed all 3 levels you will be shown a video of the death star being destroyed

8: collect your final item and then Princess Cadence will thank and congratulate you for destroying the death star , and reward you with a gold rebel medal 

You have now completed the final mission of the "Star Wars Tkeover" i hope you enjoyed it now go and have some fun around Yavin! 

Oh and also the final items have been released .. and they look awesome on your penguin!
What did you think of the Star Wars Takeover? comment below

Until next time

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